West Coast University Fitness Centers Community Health Paper Question DescriptionFor this assignment, identify an area of focus in community health within your own community. Using Gordons Functional Health Patterns framework (p. 130 in your e-text), assess the...
West Coast University Week 3 Outbreak Investigation Case Study Question DescriptionThis week, you will conduct an outbreak investigation of a disease.You are an epidemiologist for your local health department, and you are conducting an outbreak investigation of the...
West Coast University Diabetes Care and Prevention Nursing Pamphlet Question DescriptionCreate a pamphlet using any type of publisher software you choose (be sure to use color and make pamphlet interesting, use grading rubric). Educate clients on a current patient...
WCU The Opioid Crisis Drug Epidemic Los Angeles City Analytical Review Question DescriptionTo understand the opioid crisis in Anytown, lets examine the opioid crisis in another town.In your analysis:Select a city (Los Angeles) and describe the state of the opioid...
West Coast University Impact of Nursing Understaffing on Patient Health Case Study Question DescriptionCompare this case study to your nursing practiceand give a similar example from your nursing experience in which youmight have run into on staffing or a similar...
West Coast University Physician Assisted Suicide & Debilitating Sickness Essay Question DescriptionEssay will be done in accordance to the outline and topic provided. A title page.Physician-Assisted SuicideThe body of the paper, which includes 46 pages of...