University of Wisconsin Whitewater SOC Women and Crime Paper Question DescriptionI’m working on a sociology test / quiz prep and need support to help me understand better. Tracy Thurman, married to abusive husband, Charles Buck Thomas. After the attempt on her...
UWW Jonathan Kozol Fire in The Ashes Book Analysis of Plight Discussion Question DescriptionDue Sunday November 22 before 11pmAll papers must be 2-3 single-spaced pages (12 pt. font, 1500 words). Essays should be well organized, presenting a logical, well-documented...
UW Whitewater Fire in the Ashes Book Ch 8 Outline Summary & Analysis Paper Question Description Prompte: Read the assigned chapter and create an outline summarizing and analyzing the story. Use the major lens of race/class and gender, especially look for...
University of Wisconsin Whitewater Plato & Aristotle Annotated Bibliography Paper Question DescriptionPlease find the summary of the two books (primary sources) “Plato: The Republic” And “Aristotle: Politics”, and read for understanding....
University of Wisconsin Whitewater Colonial Administration Response Paper Question Descriptionwrite a response paper of 500-750 words by using the character narrative responses by other students related to the role play activity. Students are expected to focus on the...