University of South Diversity and Racial Discrimination in Jazz Music Paper Question DescriptionDRAFTDiversity and Race Assignment: How Jazz Musicians were affected by Diversity and Race Issues in American Society in the 20th Century.Draft is due by November 3Drafts...
University of South Florida Cost Analysis Discussion Question Descriptionidentify the 8 costs below for the project filtered tidal barrage Stakeholder example EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency)The problem:In the currents of Tampa Bay and in many other...
University of South Florida Theories of Information Behavior Essay Question DescriptionAssignment GoalsThe purpose of this assignment is to facilitate learning of research models, paradigms and methods used to identify and study information behaviors through an...
USF Research Methods in Psychology Hypothesis Test Questions Question DescriptionDescriptionIn this assignment, you will provide a plain language explanation of the primary concepts of this topic and the types of probability distributions that may be used for it. In...
University of South Florida Windscreen Wiper Mechanism Design Analysis Discussion Question DescriptionWindscreen wiper is essential for keeping the windscreen sufficiently clean for drivers visibility specifically for modern high speed vehicles. The washer cleans the...
University of South Florida Small Sociology Types in Care Management Discussion Question DescriptionI will provide the readings for the assignments.Assignment 1: In this week’s discussion you will be analyzing the differences between fathers with special needs...