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University of South Florida Discourse Project

University of South Florida Discourse Project Question Descriptionall of the instruction for the project are browsed down.Also all the exercises instructions will be browsed down.each answer for each exercise need to be in a different file:1. one file is the exercise...

University of South Florida Diversity and Race Essay

University of South Florida Diversity and Race Essay Question DescriptionDRAFTDiversity and Race Assignment: How Jazz Musicians were affected by Diversity and Race Issues in American Society in the 20th Century.Draft is due by November 3Drafts will be reviewed and...

University of South Florida Sympathy and Social Order Discussion

University of South Florida Sympathy and Social Order Discussion Question DescriptionThe second assignment is very easy and the first one can take like an hour or an hour and a half. Assignment 1: Article DeconstructionThe purpose of this assignment is to get you...