University of Reno Intellectual and Developmental Disorders Response Question DescriptionThere are 2 discussion listed below. Please respond to each student discussion board.1. (EM) Ptomey, L. T., Walpitage, D. L., Mohseni, M., Dreyer Gillette, M. L., Davis, A. M.,...
University of Reno AAC and Those Who Are Deafblind Discussion Question DescriptionThis week you will engage in a discussion from the required webcast and handout on tactile learning strategies for children who are deafblind. From the webcast and handout on tactile...
University of Reno American Sign Language Unaided Communication Discussion Question DescriptionPlease read the discussion and then reply.It seems that growing up, Matthew faced a lot of struggling issues. Those of which were out of his control. One large factor that...