University of California Los Angeles Singapore Poem by Mary Oliver Discussion Question Description1.Which poem in the reading assignment for this module did you enjoy the most, and why? Be sure to refer to the poem’s title in your response. Remember, it is...
University of California Los Angeles Effective Nonverbal Communication Paper Question DescriptionThe purpose of this activity is to define what you consider to be effective nonverbal behavior in various social situations. For each of the social situations below, list...
UCLA Settler Colonial Nostalgia and the Genealogy of a Love Song Worksheet Question DescriptionComplete a Cornell Note on Adria Imada’s, “Aloha Oe: Settler Colonial Nostalgia and the Genealogy of a Love Story.” Complete all sections as previously...
University of California A National Travel Behavior Change Campaign Analysis Question DescriptionPlease look for a current or recent campaign that is not the same as the campaign you are writing your final paper on (in the attached file). Also read the two articles in...
UCLA Coca Cola Creative Advertising Campaigns Discussion Question DescriptionIn June 2010, T-Mobile, a mobile communications company partnered up with Angry Birds, a highly popular mobile game. T-Mobile created a life-sized version of the game Angry Birds in...
University of California Racial & Cultural Perspectives in Gender Violence Questions Question DescriptionRemember:Answer the question, cite a concept, fact or finding from at least 3 readings, and include your own reflections or insights about the question at...