University of California Irvine Dancer Moves in And Around Space Discussion Question DescriptionWhat is Space?Space is the area in which the dancer moves. Dance movement takes up space, the dancer moves in and around space, and a dance is performed in a space. This...
University of California New Technology Results in Superhero Genre Film Discussion Question DescriptionExplore the meaning implicit in the psychology of the monster/super hero genre of literature and film that has permeated popular culture since the publishing of Mary...
UCI A Critique of The Significance of Gettier Counter Examples Essay Questions Question DescriptionInstructions For The First Paper AssignmentThis essay is due noon Monday 9th November. It should be between 1000-1500 words. You must submit your paper to...
University of California Irvine Week 5 Aspects of the Self Concept Discussion Question DescriptionAs this week is focused on psychology, the point I want you to address is:In popular parlance, we regularly conceptualize the mind as separate from the body. This is...
UCI What Is Direct Realism and How Does It Differ from Indirect Realism Discussion Question Description For this week’s discussion forum you will need to do two things. First, you must post a substantive response to any one (or more) of the open-answer questions...
UCI Personal Life Experiences Burning Away My Worries Ritual Discussion Question DescriptionOn the first page, describe a ritual that is already part of your life. This ritual can be an unconscious or semiconscious element of your life. Perhaps youll only become...