South Florida Community College Reporte del Clima en Chile Discussion Question DescriptionEscribe un reportaje (report) del clima de un país hispanohablante (spanish-speaking country). Incluye (include) todas las estaciones. Escribe 8 oraciones al usar el vocabulario...
South Florida Community College The Family Spanish Discussion Question DescriptionRead over the Vocabulary in Chapter 2 about “La Familia.” Then write a paragraph (6-7 sentences) in Spanish on the ideal family or “La Familia Ideal.” Use...
South Florida Community College Latinos Culture in US Argumentative Essay Question DescriptionRead the culture section in your book (pages 8-9 and also 28-29 if possible) about Latinos in the United States. You may also read the articles listed above. Write about the...
SFCC Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language & Endorsements Validation Process Paper Question DescriptionWrite a Dropbox on the topic of the benefits of learning a foreign language. List at least 3 benefits of learning a foreign language and give evidence either...