SMC Sifting Through Oral History Norma Mtume & Black Panther Party Discussion Question DescriptionFor this brief assignment (300-400 words), you will become acquainted with an oral history collection, including, but not limited to, the Library of Congress Civil...
Santa Monica College Congress Civil Rights and Born in Slavery Discussion Question DescriptionFor this brief assignment (300-400 words), you will become acquainted with an oral history collection, including, but not limited to, the Library of Congress Civil Rights...
Santa Monica College The Greensboro Sit In Civil Rights History Essay Question DescriptionFor this brief assignment (300-400 words), you will become acquainted with an oral history collection, including, but not limited to, the Library of Congress Civil Rights History...
Santa Monica College Stories as An Effective Communication Tool Discussion Question DescriptionFor each Discussion, you are responsible for two parts. Be sure to POST YOUR RESPONSE TO YOUR GROUP DISCUSSION topic, and also, please COMMENT ON ANOTHER STUDENT POST by...
Santa Monica College The Poem The Lamb and The Tyger Discussion Question DescriptionIn both of these poems, the speaker is asking the listener (each animal, respectively, is the listener) about the act of their creation. The very different nature of these two animals...
Santa Monica College 1984 by George Orwell Compare and Contrast Paper Question Description7 Pages double spacesubmit a compare and contrast analysis of the ethical concepts revealed in the society described in 1984 versus our society today. How many of the factors...