Santa Monica College Golden Lines Online Journals Question DescriptionMy Professor said, “Week 3’s readings: “At the Western Palace” in The Woman WarriorINSTRUCTIONS:Your online reading journal should be your “golden lines” from the...
SMC Growth Mindset by The Renowned Stanford Researcher Carol Dweck Video Analysis Question DescriptionMy professor said, “1st – Watch this video on growth mindset by the renowned Stanford researcher Carol Dweck:Growth Mindset Video (Links to an external...
Santa Monica College Aristotle Philosophy of Happiness Essay Question Description#1In part 1 explain at least 4 concepts that are a part of Aristotle’s philosophy of happiness. (Number your points 1-4. Spend 2-3 sentences on each point.)In part 2 give your views...
SMC Gathering Information from Websites About Ethics in Business Discussion Question DescriptionGather Information from Websites about Ethics in Business (LO 1.3)Read at least three blogs or articlesabout trust and/or ethics from a reputable organization or other...
Santa Monica College Gum Arabic Discussion Question DescriptionObjective: Identify a product or a material that you might work with in your art practice from the list below or pick something else that you currently use. Next, research its specific uses or...
SMC The Woman Warrior an Individual Who Influences the Life of Kingston Quiz Question DescriptionMy Professor said, “This quiz covers The Woman WarriorEach answer must be 500+ words.1) In “No Name Woman,” identify one theme and explain how...