Santa Monica College Prime Numbers Average Java Program Question Description1. finding the prime numbers from 0 to n where n is the input.2.finding factorials. Do this using loops, and recursive functions.3.find the average of all prime numbers between 0 to...
SMC Business Ethics Diversity at The Workplace & LGBTQ Discrimination Presentation Question DescriptionHi I have a team assignment and my part is to do the history and analysis of issue of Discrimination in American Hiring Practices affecting LBGTQA+ employees. I...
Santa Monica College Soldier Home Story Questions Discussion Question DescriptionYour initial post should respond to both questions below and should be around 300 words. In your response, be sure to include reference to specific moments, language, and details from the...
Santa Monica College Images Of Christian Saints Art That Depicts a Martyr Discussion Question DescriptionQ. Discussion: Post an Image of a MartyrJohn the Baptist is considered a martyr, or a person who suffers or dies for what they believe in. Many of the...
SMC Racism in the US Conceptions of Racism Banton Michael Annotated Bibliography Paper Question DescriptionHi there,This assignment is an Annotated Bibliography on Racism in the U.S. I included the 6 sources at the very bottom, which will be 200-250 words for each...
Santa Monica College Is the Examined Life the Best Path to The Good Life Essay Question DescriptionRead: Al Gore, Our Purpose, and Amber Katherine, A Green Introduction to Philosophy.Prompt: Write an 800-900 word, single-spaced essay on the debate question. Submit...