SMC How Ancient Rome Grew in Both Population and Territory Discussion Question DescriptionI’m working on a history discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn. Information must be taken from provided sources How did expansion affect Roman...
SMC Businesses Always Set Objectives Aimed to Achieve Certain Goal Responses Question DescriptionHi i need you to write a response back basically making a commentary of 350 words each on these students posts. Once you finish the response/comment on the post, label...
Santa Monica College Business Model and Amazon Exponential Growth Discussion Question DescriptionHi i need you to write a response back basically making a commentary of about 300 words each on these students posts. Peer 1 Today Amazon is a tech giant, a big leap from...
Santa Monica College Speech and Slavery in the West Indies by Fara Dabhoiwala Summary Question DescriptionAgain, as part of building up your reading skills/ writing foundations please read the review article: Download it here: Speech and Slavery in the West Indies...
SMC Farewell My Concubine & Butcher’s Wife Books Symbolic Implications Discussion Question Description 1. The image of sword, which some would read as a phallic symbol, appears several times in the novel “Farewell My Concubine”. For example,...
Santa Monica College Understanding of Corporations Discussion Question DescriptionHello. I have an assignment due today where all you need to do is read the book (that I will provide) and then in 2 paragraphs, reflect from the chapter and ask 3 questions.Posted below...