Santa Monica College Get Started Saving Money Today Presentation Question DescriptionSkills needed to complete this project:Importing Slides from a Word Outline (Skill 2.1)Using the Outline View (Skill 2.2)Inserting an Icon (Skill 2.13)Aligning Objects (Skill...
CIS4 Santa Monica College Greenhouse Database Forms Wizard Project Question DescriptionIn this project you will work with a greenhouse database. You will create a variety of forms for entering plant and maintenance information.Skills needed to complete this...
Santa Monica College Week 10 Philosophy Knowledge and Post Truth Era Thesis Paper Question DescriptionEssay 2 asks for a deeper understanding of technological rationality by analyzing the greater cultural context in which we find ourselves, the...
Santa Monica College The Smart and Easy Way to Save Money Presentation Question DescriptionSkills needed to complete this project:Clearing Formatting (Skill 1.14)Changing Fonts and Font Sizes (Skill 1.11)Aligning Text (Skill 1.16)Working with Thumbnails (Skill...
Santa Monica College Emotional Intelligence Develop a Rational Response Presentation Question DescriptionSkills needed to complete this project:Changing the Presentation Theme (Skill 3.1)Customizing the Theme (Skill 3.2)Changing the Size of Slides (Skill 3.3)Applying...
Santa Monica College Frankenstein by Mary Shelley Essay Question DescriptionThis essay should be 4-5 pages long. If your essay is longer, that will be fine, as long as it is necessary to complete your analysis. Please, do not submit essays shorter than 4 pages.NO...