San Jose State University Protective Barrier Discussion Response Question DescriptionA:Protective barriers function primarily by preventing and reducing the injury caused by projectile weapons. The object of these protective barriers is to mitigate the effect of the...
San Jose State University Faithful by Dara Wier Poem Analysis Question DescriptionAnalyze ONE poem in a clear essay, proving a single thesisYour essay should be more than a page, with short quotes from the poem to support your explanations. How to do this: first...
San Jose State University Personal Production on Antigone Paper Question Description3 pagesWhat themes in the play are important to you? Why? How does it resonate with you today? How is the play relevant? This requires deep analysis of the play. Be SPECIFIC about the...
San Jose State University US and Germany Health Care System Comparative Paper Question DescriptionTopic: Compare the U.S. Health Care System with that of another country. Choose an OECD (Links to an external site.) country and then compare it to the U.S. The paper...
San Jose State University Global Warming and SEM Model & Logic Model Essays Question Description(Part A as individual. Part B & C are related)Part A: Global warming. (500+ words)Is it nature taking its course or are we as humans contributing to all of this...
SJSU The Monster Revisited Interpreting Consumer Data Article Reflection Question DescriptionMost marketers consume enormous volumes of information, e.g. reports, studies, and articles from a vast array of sources. The marketer must quickly extract the essential...