SJSU I Say Pain Strengthens and Fear Drives Faith Music Video Discussion Question DescriptionDownload the lyrics to “I’ll Find You” by LeCrae and Tori KelleyRead the lyrics before watching the music videoWatch the music video. Respond to these...
San Jose State University Negative Message Internal Company Blog Post Discussion Question DescriptionNegative Messageinternal company blog postRead the following scenario and review the advice on sending negative organizational news on pages 198-200(Please see the...
San Jose State University Views of Human Nature Essay Question DescriptionThis is humanities class where we all discuss about the quotes/texts from a book or a reading and without using any research or outside source!!! Evidence for your essay must be based only on...
San Jose State University Annna in The Tropics Easy Question Descriptionread anna in the tropics1. TimeIn what year and season does the action occur? Can thepassage of time during the play be determined? The timebetween the scenes and acts? The hour of day for each...
SJSU Community Health Promotion Program Implementation Plan Design Essay Question Description(Background: Designing the Community health promotion program – Improve mental health issue in Santa Clara County, mainly focusing on Asian American community, and...
SJSU Romeo and Juliet Directed by Don Roy King Theater Review Essay Question DescriptionYou will write a 500-word critical performance review on one of the following modern performances of a classic play:Romeo and Juliet staring directed by Don Roy King, performed by...