Renmin University Sustainable Development Renewable Energies Presentation Question Descriptionneed an infographic related to the lab topic and but not directly correlated to the lab and its data. It should also correlate to a UN SDG goal. The details are in the files...
Renmin University of China Mosque Identity in Qatar Analytical Study Paper Question DescriptionSubject : An Analytical Study of Mosque Identity in Qatar: the Past and the Present. Level of Study : Masters Target Grade : Masters B Grade Length: 4000 Words (~16 pages)...
Renmin University Gao Xingjian and Transcultural Chinese Theater by Sy Ren Quah Discussion Question DescriptionI have 4 tasks totaling 2500 words. Here are the orders. The zip file contains the documents and further instrucitons 29-Sep-2020 – Lily –...
Renmin University of China Criminal Law Australia Discussion Question DescriptionPaper instructions : Daryn has recently been released from prison and is struggling to return to normal life. On a Thursday afternoon a few months after his release, he decides that he...
Renmin University of China Love v Commonwealth Clear Facts and Legal Issues Paper Question DescriptionYou are required to write a case study of the case Love v Commonwealth (2020) 94 ALJR 198. You can find the case under the Assignment Tasks and Submission link.The...
Renmin University of China Australian Contract Law Case Notes & Facts Essay Question DescriptionAUSTRALIAN CNTRACT LAWRegarding the reported decision of: oOh! Media Roadside Pty Ltd (formerly Power Panels Pty Ltd) v Diamond Wheels Pty Ltd & Anor (2011) 32 VR...