Purdue University Amazon Inc Business Company Report Discussion Question DescriptionCompany Report1. Select a target company that interests you. (*This is an opportunity to explore a company that you would like to work for some day.) 2. Research the company. (3 or...
Purdue University Theater and Social Media and Change Paper Question Descriptionfor first assignment (revise my outline. No required words just follow the sample outline and the comment from my professor.For second assignment required 400-450 word. It shows in the...
PU A Virtual Exhibition at Uri Dotan New Media and Digital Art Discussion Question DescriptionI’m working on a art question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.Should be 750 words long. 150 word abstract. 900 words total. Make sure its a review...
Purdue University Evolution of Policing Presentation Question DescriptionWk 5 – Evolution of Policing [due Mon]make minimum 10 slides powerpoint (not counting title and references slides) and add speakers notes to each slides 50-100 words Assignment ContentWatch...
University Developing Your Evidence Based Practice Paper Question Description Weekly Objectives 3 and 4 will be addressed in this discussion.In the Week 1 Discussion, you explored differences and similarities between research-related terms. In this final week of...
Purdue University Comparing Qualitative and Quantitative Research Discussion Question DescriptionComparing Qualitative and Quantitative ResearchWeekly Objectives 2, 3, 4, and 5 will be addressed in this discussion.Qualitative research offers a different set of...