Post University Intelligence Discussion Post Question DescriptionDQ#1 Intelligence Alexus MDear Professor and Classmates,Back in the day, IQ test were created to find indivdual’s intelligence level. However, these days it is argued that this test doen’t...
Post University Evidence Based Practice Discussion Question DescriptionDQ#1 EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE Darren EHello class and ProfessorIn this assignment on evidence-based practice truly explains the way treatment process should be based upon to better servethe clients...
MUS Post University Contribution to Art and Culture in USA and Globally Discussion Question DescriptionFor the project, I would like you to research the artists background and discuss their influences. What makes them uniquely American? Do they have non-American...
Post University Habit of Seeking Treatment Discussion Question Description DQ#1 Cultural competencyHow might culture influence whether clients will seek treatment or not? Explain why cultural considerations should be considered when formulating a diagnosis. Why is...
Post University Behavioral Psychology and Cognitive Psychology Research Paper Question DescriptionImagine that your best friend knows you are taking a psychology course and wonders what psychology is all about. How would you define psychology for your...
Post University Bipolar Disorder and Mental Disorders Discussion Question DescriptionI’m working on a psychology question and need an explanation to help me study. DQ#1 Substance useKevin SBipolar disorders are mental disorders characterized by extreme shifts in...