PCC Skydiving Wearing a Diving Suit Free Falling After Jumping from Plane Discussion Question Descriptiontopic: 300 word skydiving and how air resistance & gravity play a part in both the free fall section and after the parachute is opened up.What did you observe?...
Pasadena City College Islamic Women and Asian Religion Discussion Question DescriptionChoose 2-3 article which I uploaded later and write the midterm essay follow instructionsII. A 4pp written paper summary/review of two of the optional articles. Basically,this is a...
Pasadena City College Women Education Concepts and Evidence Chart Question DescriptionBackgroundThis problem focuses on female academies or seminaries in the period 1790-1840. These schools offered the equivalent of a high school education to socially elite, young...
PCC The Growth of Slavery & the Change in Slave Population Discussion Question DescriptionBackgroundThis lesson focuses on the growth of slavery in the period 1790-1820. In the American Constitution, the Founders specified that an accurate count of the number of...
Pasadena City College Separate and Unequal Film Discussion Question DescriptionGoalDistinguish the difference between education and schoolingEvaluate the inequalities in the US education systemApply the three theoretical perspectives to better understand education...
Pasadena City College Social Structure & Interaction Discussion Question DescriptionAnswer the following questions (thoroughly and in your own words), then submit. Assignment must be 2-3 pages in length; double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font.1. How...