Pasadena City College Social Media Tool in Youth Essay Question DescriptionI need you to help me on this speech assignment. I already wrote my outline and speech. I would like you to fix my outline and speech if anything is wrong. I must have attention statement,...
PCC Protest Songs and War the Military Soldiers & the General Public Discussion Question DescriptionThis week were thinking about protest songs. More specifically, were thinking about how songs of different types serve as forms of protest, even when they...
Pasadena City College About Volunteerism Why Its Important Discussion Question DescriptionDo your research (include, with your title page a reference page indicating where you obtained your information) and write in detail about the following: 1) What is Volunteerism?...
PCC The Statistic Practice Probability of Success and Standard Errors Questions Question DescriptionAnswer these questions with detailed work.1 The probability of success is 0.316. sample of 134 is takenif a sample is 1.37 standard errors less than expected how many...
Pasadena City College Anti Blackness Issues in The South Asian Discussion Question Description1. Register and attend the event in the attached poster ( or visit this link and register for the event (Links to an external site.) ). 2. write a one-page response on your...
Pasadena City College Islamic Women Rights Argumentative Essay Question DescriptionChoose 2-3 article which I uploaded later and write the midterm essay follow instructionsII. A 4pp written paper summary/review of two of the optional articles. Basically,this is a more...