Oklahoma State Personal Identity and Alcohol Consumption Discussion Question Description This is as much a reading task as a writing task. Here, you want to learn a bit about Carver’s piece, read the piece, and begin collecting evidence in a focused way to form...
OSU The Civil Rights Movement in American History Discussion Question Description In four to six pages, the paper should attempt to address the struggles, problems, resistance to, and goals of the movement.The paper, beyond addressing the prompt and using citation,...
Oklahoma State University Letter from a Birmingham Jail Paper Question DescriptionFor this writing task, I’ll walk you through a few processes to help with sections of your essay. If you work through these, you should have a full draft of your analysis essay....
OSU Race Is an Area on The Spectrum of Diversity in The Movie Pride Analysis Question DescriptionMovie List Pride 2007 (Race)?Gran Torino (Ethnicity)?Freedom Writers (Culture)1) What area on the spectrum of diversity does this movie land on? Justify...
Oklahoma State Franklin Delano Roosevelts Speech The Four Freedoms Questions Question DescriptionQ1: What was Roosevelt trying to achieve with this speech, particularly with his opening discussion of American history from 1789 through the end of World War I? Can you...
Oklahoma State University Workforce and Life After College Reflection Discussion Question DescriptionI’m working on a Writing discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn. We are obviously in an unprecedented time amid the global pandemic, which...