OCC Production of Film Blackfish American Documentary Film Critique Discussion Question Description COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY SERIESThink about how color plays a role in your everyday life. How does it influence you? With this assignment, you need to manipulate your...
Oakton Community College The Bee Movie An Animated Film Analysis Question DescriptionFor this Discussion Post, make sure you review the supplemental lecture (when it becomes available) to get a brief introduction to concepts in sociology, as well as some initial...
Oakton Community College Week 2 Leadership or Management Styles of Nurses Discussion Question DescriptionThis assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®.InstructionsRelate the leadership or management styles of one of the nurses you have worked with in clinical, or...
Oakton Community College Valuable Items Reflection Paper Question DescriptionThe objects history (how you came to own it/who gave it to you)Where you keep the objectWhen and how you use the objectWhat, if anything, does the object communicate about who you are as a...
Oakton Community College Care Plan for Patient with Atrial Fibrillation Essay Question DescriptionSection 2: Research article In the professional literature, locate an evidenced based practice or research article in a professional peer review nursing journal (this is...