NYU The 1619 Project by The New York Times Magazine Discussion Question DescriptionRace, equity and equality have been at the forefront of society, parallel to the Covid-19 health pandemic. Many of you may have participated or witnessed the “Black Lives...
NYU Questioning Is Important for Interview & Effective Communication Questions Question Descriptionq1: After reading the Good Interview Tips posted in this week’s, pick the tip you feel is the most valuable and talk about why. Please use complete sentences...
New York University Week 1 The People vs Ledesma Case Study Question DescriptionThe case of People v. Ledesma, 729 P.2d 839, 871 (Cal. 1987) is posted under Week 1s Required Resources. After reviewing Ledesma, answer the following questions:What were the facts of...
New York University Ways to Handle a Successful Interview Discussion Questions Question Descriptionq1?Please create a short essay answering the following questions. This does not have to be more than half a page. As long as you communicate your ideas using terms from...
New York University Secrets of Power Negotiating Discussion Question Description1. Master negotiator Roger Dawson wrote an article for Harvard’s Negotiation newsletter called “Secrets of Power Negotiating”, from his best-selling book of the same...
New York University Cyber Crime Case Study Question DescriptionChoose a cyber crime case. Write a paper giving your reasoning of how it fits in the category of cyber crime (as discussed in class). Give some brief details of the case. Discuss the perpetrator, the...