NYU Some of The Most Legendary Artists and Songs of Their Time Persuasive Essay Question DescriptionThis paper will require a lot of work- counts as 60% of my grade so it needs to be perfect and I can’t give extra time. I will give a very generous tip if you do...
New York University Managing Hospitality Human Resources Research Paper Question Description Students will research and investigate a key human resource management process in hospitality or tourism that was discussed in the course and one that is of interest to the...
New York University Professor Total Course Points Worksheet Question DescriptionI’m working on a Excel exercise and need support to help me understand better. Uses Excel skillsSum()Vlookup() with Named cell rangesIf()Formatting cellsColumn...
New York University How Organizations Manage Change During Covid 19 Pandemic Paper Question DescriptionTopic: How did organizations manage change during the COVID-19 pandemic? Choose one organization you encountered, or you were a member/customer during the COVID-19...
NYU Boston Ballets Ticket Sales of The Nutcracker Event Marketing Case Study Question DescriptionBoston Ballet Case Study Assignment (*case is attached)- the case is very shortBoston Ballet had a very successful ticket selling result with its production of the...
NYU How To Cook Chinese Shrimp Dumplings Essay Question DescriptionTopic : How to cook Chinese Shrimp Dumplings (Har Gow)Write a professional document that explains the process or gives step by step instructions for someone else to be able to do the task the way you...