New York University Representations of Samurai in Japanese Culture Discussion Question DescriptionI’m working on a writing project and need guidance to help me understand better. I will attach the proposal and some useful material ?? We will work on the second...
NYU WannaCry Ransomware Attack the Investigation and How It Unfolded Case Study Question Descriptionthe case is WannaCry ransomware attackConsidering the case you chose in Module 2, write a paper that discusses the investigation and how it unfolded. You may encounter...
NYU Labour Party Faced After Losing The 1979 General Election Thesis Paper Question Description TOPICS FOR SECONDCLASS PAPER:Please write a paper on one of the topics listed below. The paper should be a maximum of 3 pages, double-spaced, in 12-point type.1.Discuss the...
New York University Management Information Systems & Business Intelligence Discussion Question DescriptionPlease read attached file Chapter 12:(Managing the Digital Firm, Chapter 12, pp.464-497) and answer following questions.Q1:Please write a concise (one page,...
New York University Silica Substance Exposure Analysis Presentation Question Descriptionhello this is the presentationInstructions: Please upload your 20-minute presentations (on a pollutant covering all the points outlined below in the presentation guideline) in this...
NYU Performance Yellow Towel Performance Yellow Towel Analytical Review Question Descriptionplease read watch these two video excerpts of performances and write about them. Read the guidelines carefully to help you develop the skill of writing about dance. I attached...