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Miami Dade College Use of the Internet Presentation

Miami Dade College Use of the Internet Presentation Question Description PowerPoint Presentations Directions : him Analyze one of the following readings. In addition to the Summary/Analysis essay you are also required to develop a brief PowerPoint presentation that...

Miami Dade College The Negative Effects Of Antibiotics Paper

Miami Dade College The Negative Effects Of Antibiotics Paper Question DescriptionHello, Please read the attached document first and make changes and reviews to it and then please read what is asked on here below and answer. Thank you.You will revise one body paragraph...

Miami Dade College Conducting a Research Discussion

Miami Dade College Conducting a Research Discussion Question DescriptionI’m working on a nursing discussion question and need support to help me study. There are three separate discussion post. Each should have its own reference to support the response....

Miami Dade College The Business Judgment Rule Discussion

Miami Dade College The Business Judgment Rule Discussion Question Description I’m working on a business law case study and need support to help me understand better. Locate the U.S. Business Judgment RuleThen locate the rule in any other country (you MUST select...

Miami Dade College Media Societal Role Discussion

Miami Dade College Media Societal Role Discussion Question DescriptionUpton Sinclair, an American journalist and novelist, published his novel “The Jungle” in 1906. This book examined the poor’s working conditions in Chicago’s meatpacking...