Miami Dade College United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Speech Question DescriptionI’m working on a communications writing question and need a sample draft to help me study. For this assignment, you will work with the same United Nations Sustainable...
Miami Dade College Abortion is Immoral by Don Marquits Reading Summary Question DescriptionReading Summaries should be a minimum of 250 words and a maximum of 500 words (approximately 1-2 pages in standard formatting)All reading summaries must follow standard...
Miami Dade College Social Work The Miami Dade Family Learning Partnership Paper Question DescriptionChoose a local service agency (different from the one you presented with your group) and describe the population and the community they serve, services and...
Miami Dade College Week 8 Injustice and Health Issue of African Americans PPT Question DescriptionWeek 8 Assignment: Signature Assignment Presentation: The Oral Defense VideoNow that you have completed your paper, build and deliver a video presentation that details...
Miami Dade College Someday Ill Love You Ocean Voung Analysis Question DescriptionBe approximately 2-4 pages in length. Any paper less than two FULL pages will not receive a passing grade!Be written in third person objective.Be properly formatted, cited, and documented...
Miami Dade College Emotional Intelligence Discussion Question DescriptionAssignment 3 requires you to complete the Emotional Intelligence test found as a link in this folder, then read the Feedback document also in this folder, and finally discuss your results in the...