Los Angeles Pierce College Culture and Communication Essay Question DescriptionWe started the discussion on culture and communication with the question: What is your culture? And how does your culture influence your communication? These are not easy questions.Based on...
Los Angeles Pierce College Types of Engineering Degrees Questions Question DescriptionThis is a rather long article but an “EXCELLENT” one. It is written by an organization which has placed many senior engineers in various positions in US and abroad.It is...
Los Angeles Pierce College The Engineering Design Process Questions Question DescriptionAfter reading the information from assignment 1, respond in writing to the following questions: (when responding, you need to include/write the question as well. This will make it...
LAPC Uphold Interest Rates Low & Economics Implication Policy Discussion Question DescriptionLast week, the chair of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, announced that they plan to keep interest rates low for the foreseeable future. This has some big implications...
Los Angeles Pierce College The Epic of Gilgamesh Essay Question DescriptionPromptSelect one of the following passages from the Epic of Gilgamesh and discuss its significance to the epic as a whole. You might consider, among other things, what your chosen passage says...
LAPC The Role of The Brain Hormones and Neurotransmitters in Obesity Discussion Question DescriptionTo complete this week’s discussion, which is based on Chapter 12- Hunger, Eating, and Health, please consider the following case.Robert, a 25 year old Hispanic...