SPA 201 Rio Salado Community College Preguntas de Verbos Correctos en Oraciones Question DescriptionI’m working on a spanish multi-part question and need support to help me study. 6 of 20Me ____ en el otro hotel. (quedar)Question7 of 20Lo mejor ___ comprobar el...
SPAN University of Illinois at Chicago Composicion de la Carrera Artistica de Shakira Question DescriptionI’m working on a spanish writing question and need support to help me understand better. La vida de alguien famoso/a.TEMA: Imagina la vida de una persona...
GCCCD Completing Sentences & Using the Correct Verb Form Spanish Exam Practice Question DescriptionI’m working on a spanish multi-part question and need an explanation to help me understand better. Completa el párrafo con el presente perfecto de subjuntivo...
Tecnológico de Monterrey Los Derechos Humanos y El Feminismo Ensayo Question DescriptionI’m working on a spanish test / quiz prep and need guidance to help me study. Contenidos principales: Los Derechos Humanos y El Feminismo.Documentales: Nuestros...
Elementary Spanish 801 University of West Alabama Spanish Answer Guide Question DescriptionI’m working on a spanish exercise and need an explanation to help me understand better. I need help coming up with an answer guide for my oral quiz coming up. I am...
QU Simple Spanish Questions to Answers in Spanish According to Fashion Question DescriptionI’m working on a spanish practice test / quiz and need an explanation to help me study. 1.¿A qué hora te despiertas de lunes a viernes? ¿y los sábados y domingos?2.¿En qué...