Florida State College at Jacksonville Script Writing Paper Question DescriptionPart One: Script DevelopmentThere may be two major challenges when writing a play. The first is to decide on a topic. Have some fun with the assignment. Focus on the theme of a cultural...
Florida State College at Jacksonville Malcolm Baldrige Program Questions Question DescriptionThis case study, Achieving customer and workforce engagement: the Malcolm Baldrige Program provides you with the opportunity to synthesize and apply the concepts learned in...
FSC Jacksonville Legislative Term Limits and Government Spending Discussion Question DescriptionPolitical gridlock has become the mainstay of congressional operations. A number of factors contribute to this stalemate. Americas predominate two-party system adds to...
Florida State College at Jacksonville North American Free Trade Agreement Essay Question DescriptionI’m working on a Political Science case study and need an explanation to help me understand better. Who Governs? Elitism, Pluralism, and Tradeoffs (Links to an...
Florida State College at Jacksonville The Dangers of the Princess Culture Discussion Question DescriptionI’m working on a English discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn. This assignment reinforces critical reading and analytical skills....
Florida State College at Jacksonville The Seminole Wars in Florida Discussion Question DescriptionFor this assignment you will write a 1 page (300 word minimum-450 word maximum) research paper. In this assignment you will be answering a question about the Seminole...