ENG 225 Ashford University Auteur Theory Perspective of Titanic Discussion Question DescriptionPlease choose a film from this list of approved choices.Note: You should watch your chosen film twiceonce to ensure that you have grasped the storytelling and once to take...
ENG 225 UOA Week 5 Movies Perceptions Discussion Question DescriptionI’m working on a literature question and need support to help me understand better. Reflect on the analysis process and how you have learned to more thoroughly analyze film as well as how...
ENG 225 Ashford University Wk 5 Impacts of Films on Society Discussion Question DescriptionBased on the films you have watched and the ways you have learned to interpret meaning in them, discuss your ideas about how films engage social concerns and have lasting...
ENG 225 Ashford University Wk 2 Genre and Genre Theory Discussion Question DescriptionMovie to write about: The Hate U GiveYour paper should be organized around a thesis statement that focuses on how your chosen feature-length film both aligns with and expands upon...
ENG 225 SDMC The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of Ring Film Discussion Question DescriptionFilm Discussion Part 1:choose a film from this list of approved choices.In at least 300 words, describe the relationship of story to plot in your chosen film. Be sure...
ENG 225 WU Social Aspects of Substance Use Disorders Annotated Bibliography Question DescriptionTask 7This week you will write the outline and annotated bibliography for a 700-1,000 word expository essay about a 21st century social issue. Remember from the Lesson...