UMKC The Take It or Leave It Offer by General Motors Company Discussion Question DescriptionThe question:Read the two short pieces (you can answer all or answer one in detail)What was the take-it-or-leave-it offer by the G.M. before the strike? Why do you think...
De Anza College Economics Entrepeneurship Question Question DescriptionWatch, discuss, and analyze the contents of the following videos. Then, write a short summary paper (four pages maximum). Focus on answering the following questions:Who is each entrepreneur?What...
FNU Rejection of Concerns About Fiscal Stimulus by Rachel Siegel Article Critique Question DescriptionGORDON RULE ASSIGNMENT #2: DUE DATE MARCH 25TH before 10:30pmArticle Critique:Read the following selected article from the Washington PostWebsite:...
ECON 202 Federal Reserve and The European Central Bank Essay Question DescriptionI’m working on a macro economics report and need guidance to help me learn. The final exam for ECON201 and ECON202 consists of a thesis essay term paper in which the student...
US How Covid19 has Affected Different Aspects of Microeconomics Research Paper Question DescriptionI’m working on a economics project and need an explanation to help me study. 1- Submission: Tuesday April 20, 20212- Students will give a presentation and the...
University of California Los Angeles Real Business Cycle Model Report Question Description1. Suppose you are given the utility function U(C, l) = lnC + 5L, where C = consumption and L = leisure, and the budget constraint the individual faces is simply C = (1 t)wN,...