De Paul University Marketing Starbucks Case Study Question DescriptionEverything needed will be in the files below.Should Starbucks accept McDonalds offer? If yes, take advantage of 30,000+ stores all over the world; competition between Starbucks and McCafe will be...
DePaul University The Marketing Mix in Multinational Corporations Summary Question DescriptionHere is the detail of the one-page summary extra credit opportunity.Select one article from any newspaper, magazine, online, and any other mediaLink this selected article to...
DePaul University Food Truck Pokemon Go Research Project Question DescriptionInformation About Additional Required ResourcesSPSS ResourceThe major project in this course is to write a research report using the information provided on this page. As noted in the...
DePaul University Regulatory Czar for The Financial Services Industry Case Study Question Description 1.Be 1,000-1,025 words (not including citation summary , name, title) and posted into Submissions (Must be in Word format) by November 9. Late submissions are...
DePaul University Maslows Need Hierarchy on Products Discussion Question DescriptionThe focus of this assignment is on your ability to understand how products and services satisfy our needs can be positioned differently depending on which need is emphasized and/or...
DePaul University Consumer Behavior Motivation Discussion Question DescriptionYour answer to each question cannot exceed 2 pages in Word (I am assuming you will be using single-spacing).Your answer can be shorter than 2 pages, but I would recommend that you use the...