Columbia Southern University Western Civilization II Discussion Questions Question DescriptionDiscuss your perception of the differences between modern ideas about socialism and liberalism and the types of socialism and liberalism that existed in the 19th century....
Columbia Southern University Report on Workplace Noise Exposure Worksheet Question DescriptionGo to: and watch what I believe is the best short video ever made in regards to explaining the auditory process. After watching...
CSU Evaluating Historical Resources Office of the Historian Annotated Bibliography Question DescriptionFor this assignment, you will continue your mastery of evaluating historical resources for relevance and creating annotations that you began in Unit V. You will then...
Columbia Southern University Financial Management Questions Question DescriptionThis assignment will allow you to demonstrate the following objectives: Compute the net present value, profitability index, and internal rate of return for a given company.Predict the best...
CSU Colbert Brothers Business Fraudulent Selling & Shipping of Chemicals Case Study Question DescriptionUnit III JournalWeight: 2% of course gradeGrading RubricInstructionsIn reading the assigned article for this unit, what are your thoughts about the Colbert...
Columbia Southern University World War II Propaganda Discussion Question DescriptionTo prepare for this assignment, you will need to search for and select an artifact of pro- or anti-fascist propaganda (e.g., poster, film clip, radio broadcast clip, cartoon or object)...