Columbia College Family Responsibility Discrimination in Organizations Essay Question DescriptionThe U.S. Needs Paid Leave for the Sake of its FutureVideo Description: We need women to work, and we need working women to have babies. So why is America one of the only...
Columbia AT&T Inc Annual Rates of Change and Key Company Risks Overview Question DescriptionThe company i choose for this is AT&TOverview: Annual Rates of Change and Key Company RisksThis week you will examine the companys per share data and its annual...
Columbia College Diversity in Organization Equal Pay Act Of 1963 Essay Question DescriptionMajor federal equal employment opportunity laws have attempted to correct social discrimination toward particular groups of workers, called protected classes. Defined broadly,...
Columbia College Racial Discrimination in the Workplace Discussion Question DescriptionFind an article that discusses one of the following topics from the readings: Discrimination based on race/ethnicity, LGBTQIA, or Sexual Orientation Barriers in the...
Columbia College Coronavirus Disease Status Paper Question Descriptionrequesting 2-3 pages Visit the World Health Organization web site. Look up the current status of Ebola and Leishmaniasis, and compare them to a disease (of your choice) that occurs closer to where...
Columbia College Diversity in Organization and Unconscious Bias Questions Question DescriptionInstructionsThis assignment looks at our unconscious bias. Each of us has both conscious and unconscious bias. Youll take one of the assessments through Harvard Universitys...