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CTU Week 4 Understanding Business Drivers Research Paper

CTU Week 4 Understanding Business Drivers Research Paper Question DescriptionUsing the information from Units 1, 2, and 3, Big D Incorporated will be examining how multivariate techniques can serve the organization best and how they can be applied to its new client,...

Colorado Technical University Entrepreneurship Discussion

Colorado Technical University Entrepreneurship Discussion Question DescriptionFor this discussion post, you are to define what business you are intending to create. Also, articulate what problems you are solving with your products or service. Who is your target...

CTU week 4 Forecasting Amazon Business Model Discussion

CTU week 4 Forecasting Amazon Business Model Discussion Question DescriptionSelect a relatively new company for which he or she will use as a benchmark. After researching your selected company, come up with a recommendation, for them, on which type of forecasting...