College of St Joseph Apple Value Chain Analysis Presentation Question DescriptionPrepare a 10+/- minute narrated PowerPoint presentation on Auto zone that addresses the following: Describe in detail the Value Proposition and Value Discipline for your selected...
College of St. Joseph Computer Usage Informative Speech Question DescriptionQ. The Hook at the beginning of your Informative Speech (and later, your Persuasive Speech) is an important part of getting and keeping your audiences attention. Describe the Hook you plan to...
College of St Joseph How to Eat Healthy While in Lockdown Speech Question Description1. Post 5 possible topics for your Informative Speech and state which one you plan to use. Explain what you want the audience to know about your topic. Also discuss some of the...
College of St Joseph Climate Damages & Adaptation Potential in US Discussion Question Description1. For this assignment, you will conduct a research paper on Climate Change and its affects on any organism, ecosystem, biological process or physical process (ex:...
College of St Joseph Public Speaking Anxiety Questions Question Description Q 1. For your Entertaining Speech, you will deliver one of the 8 kinds of Ceremonial Speeches. For example, you may prepare a toast, an acceptance speech, a formal introduction, etc. The piece...
College of St Joseph Weather Condition Research Paper Question Description1) Using (Links to an external site.) research the following: daily average pressure and observed weather conditions for 5 days. b) Analyze the data and explain the...