BMGT 364 University of Maryland Week 6 Executive VP for Tasty Products Discussion Question DescriptionPurpose In this project, you will demonstrate an understanding of management and leadership. You will be exposed to various leadership skills and styles. After...
BMGT 364 UMGC Wk 4 Organization Theory Organizational Culture & Structure Discussion Question DescriptionInstructionsBMGT 364 Project 2 (Week 4) – Organizational Culture and StructurePurpose In this project, you will view a video and discuss the...
BMGT 364 UMGC Week 5 Management and Organization Theory Discussion Question DescriptionInitial PostThis week’s discussion continues with the Smithfield Custom Furniture case. Your posting should answer the questions posed using the course materials to support...
BMGT 364 TCGTC Week 2 Mission & Vision Management Organization Discussion Question DescriptionWeek 2 IntroductionFayol defined planning in terms of forecasting future conditions, setting objectives, and developing means to attain objectives. This weeks we will...
BMGT 364 CGTC Week 1 Scientific Management Theory Discussion Question DescriptionWeek 1 IntroductionDuring this week, students will be introduced to the classical and scientific theories of management. During the Industrial Revolution, we began to see the first real...