AIU Behavioral Manipulation by Inmates in Correctional Institutions Discussion Question DescriptionConceptualizing a Social Problem into a Research ProblemA social problem involves an issue that affects a specific population/discipline. It is the issue that students...
AIU Corrections Training Strategies to Prevent Inmate Manipulation Problem Statement Question DescriptionComponents of a Problem StatementA problem statement is typically a 1 to 2 paragraph statement and that contains a logical argument for the need to address an...
Police Psychology Intensive Discussion Question DescriptionDuring the Police Psychology Intensive, it has been reinforced that of great importance to the doctoral candidate is an ability to think critically and seek to blend the theoretical concepts into practice. In...
AIU Trends Shaping Future of Organizations & Organization Development Reflection Question DescriptionBringing It All TogetherAs this course concludes, reflect on all you have learned. The readings, Discussions, Assignments, and assessments should have increased...
AIU Aligning Stress Management Techniques With Populations & Emerging Trends Reply Question Description Aligning Stress Management Techniques With Populations and Emerging Trends/Research in Stress ManagementOften in the face of extreme stress or an external...
Atlantic International University Social Support in Healthcare System Discussion Question DescriptionStress, Health, and Social SupportDo you ever wonder why many people generally feel better after talking through problems with a trusted friend or family member? Aside...