AIU Fairtrade International Child Labor & Children Physical & Mental Health Discussion Question DescriptionAssignment DetailsScenario: While reading a news article on your favorite athletic shoes, you are surprised to learn the company uses child labor in...
AIU Women and World War II Most Iconic Images of WW II Discussion Question DescriptionAssignment DetailsWomen and World War IIOne of the most iconic images of World War II is the famous We Can Do It! with the image details found here and the creation of Rosie the...
AIU The Development of Different Regions in The United States Discussion Question DescriptionMigration, Immigration, and the United States Unless youre … Native American, you came from someplace else. President Barack Obama (The New York Times, 2013)...
AIU Social Reform in The Gilded and Progressive Eras Discussion Question DescriptionSocial Reform in the Gilded and Progressive ErasJacob Riis was a journalist and social reformer whose photographs of the poor in New York City in the late 19th century are legendary...
AIU The Lion King Movie Mufasa Death Scene Review & Analysis Discussion Question DescriptionSelect a scene from the book, movie, or TV show.Write a 3-paragraph review of the scene you selected.In paragraph 1, provide a summary of the scene.In paragraph 2, use...
American Intercontinential University Early Childhood Education Discussion Question DescriptionWatch this short video clip about children voting for their playground materials (Links to an external site.). Would Dewey consider this an educational experience? Why or...