Academy College Building a Customer Centric Culture Questions Question DescriptionRead the following 3 articles from the Harvard Business Review This article addresses building the proper culture to allow for a customer-centric approach:...
AC Employee Training Program for A Specific Hazard Found in The Workplace Presentation Question DescriptionFor the final project, you will use the knowledge you have gained throughout the semester to create an employee training program for a specific hazard found in...
Academy College Retirement Plan in American Dollars Discussion Question DescriptionHow can you plan for retirement in today’s dollars? Write out your retirement plan by answering these questions:1. How much money will you need to retire?2. How do I create a...
AC Healthcare Technology Improving Patient Safety & Reducing Medical Errors Essay Question DescriptionTo err is human” reported approximately 44,000-98,000 patient deaths due to medical errors in 1992. The latest statistic of medical errors (approximately...
Academy College Healthcare Innovations and Digital Divide Discussion Question DescriptionIn the context of the vast innovations in the healthcare field that we have experienced in the last decade or so, a variety of technologies such as wearables are not accessible to...
Academy College IT Investment at North America Case Study Question DescriptionCase Study – IT Investment at North American Financial (pp 77-81 in textbook)Write a 2-page, 12 point font, 1.5 spaced paper succinctly addressing the following tasks for Cathy...