Relational Development and Communication Playbook Book Discussion
Question Description
.I put a example of what how the paper is suppose to look like at the bottom.
pretty much asking to sumerixe what i learned in the chapters so far in 500 words. Where it says “Example PAPER!!!” is how the format of the paper is suppose to look.
This discussion board is an opportunity to reflect on what you have learned so far in the course. In your essay, you will discuss communication concepts that will help you in your personal and/or professional life. Remember you will cite the textbook, and another scholarly source.
Sample of a 60 pt. Discussion Board Initial Post
The initial posting is designed to give you practice in writing in the first person. This is allowed on the discussion boards and in your speech-writing.
Speech writing in the form of an outline plus the discussion board entries in this class are less formal than research writing; however, you must add credible research in your initial posting. This mirrors what you do in your speeches, where you must add oral citations of your sources.
- Consult the 7th edition of APA as a guide for your citations.
- The initial post must be 500 words for maximum credit.
- You must cite and use our textbook at least once in the initial post using APA format.
- You must cite at least one other outside scholarly source–ebook, journal article, film, etc. and cite this in APA format.
- You will add complete written citations for the textbook and outside source at the bottom of your post.
- Use of web site/random web pages only will not count for full research credit in the rubric.
- Be sure to add a word count.
Study the Instructions in the link on “How Do I view the Rubric for the Discussion Board (Links to an external site.)” from the Canvas Guides.
- All 60 pts discussion boards are graded with a rubric.
- You will find the rubric at the top right of this page inside a drop down box.
- Study the rubric before attempting the assignment
- The rubric addresses the (1) word count of the assignment, (2) the quality of writing, (3) the quality of the sources, (4) student to student responses, and (5) the timeliness of posting the initial post.
- All of our 60 pt. discussion boards will run for 3 days.
- They will start on Sunday and end at 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday.
- In order to receive maximum points on the timeliness category in the rubric, you must do the initial post on Sunday.
- Please post the entire initial posting (including APA references) in the reply box so everyone does not have to open the attachment
- You will cut and paste this directly into the reply. Your references will lose format but not content.
If you need assistance posting to a discussion, view the instructions here (Links to an external site.).
- Try to respond to classmates throughout the three day period.
- You will reply to at least 7 classmates’ posts with at least two or three sentences per post.
- Some students add another source in a reply. This is not required but does demonstrate superior work.
- If you do not use in text citations and/or add citations at the bottom of your first initial post you are at risk of being accused of plagiarism and you will receive some zeros in your rubric categories .
- If you post a second time without in text citations and/or citations at the bottom of your initial post you will receive a zero for the entire assignment.
Remember: All posts and responses for all assignments should contain proper grammar, be free of spelling errors, be substantial, and reflect critical thinking. Be supportive, considerate, and constructive when replying to your classmates.
Example PAPER!!!!!!
Instructor Notes
- This student followed the rubric that is inside the discussion board assignment. She received a perfect score of 60.
- Note that there are lots of spaces between paragraphs. This makes the post easier for others to read.
- In this post the instructions were to describe relational development categories and create a scenario of a romantic relationship that followed these steps.
- Note the APA in text citations.
- The first one is from another communication textbook. You would cite something from The Communication Playbook.
- The second required in text citation is from a scholarly outside source.
Student Paper
Relationships are something every person encounters in life, whether friendships or romantic. Relationships can be difficult to maneuver or understand because every relationship and human is unique and each brings something different to a relationship. Over time relationships also tend to change. According to Communication: Principles for a Lifetime Ongoing relationships change and are constantly renegotiated by those involved (Beebe, Beebe, & Ivy, 2016, p. 179). This only adds to the complication that arises from relationships. However, Mark Knapp came up with a model that most relationships seem to follow which maps out the stages of escalation in relationships and the potential course of de-escalation.
These stages represent the typical course of progression relationships take. In Mark Knapps model, there are five stages to relationship escalation:
Pre-interaction Awareness. During this first stage the two people involved take notice of one another and begin observing and mentioning that person to those around them. As an example of Pre-interaction Awareness, a young lady named Tiffany has been following a guy named Chad on Twitter for a couple months. She always thought he was funny and they had mutual friends but they never have actually met each other. One day after Tiffany had liked one of Chads tweets he took notice of her account. He started scrolling through her posts and even messaged one of their mutual friends to see if they knew anything about if Tiffany was seeing anyone.
Initiation Stage. This next stage involves the first conversations between people and trying to gauge the number of things they have in common. As Chad learns more about Tiffany through her posts and their mutual friends, he decides to reach out and message her about one of her most recent posts about a show he likes. Chads initial message turned into a full blown conversation of why they both love that show and quickly turned into more questions about other interests they share.
The Exploration Stage. During this stage partners typically begin sharing a new depth of information and entertaining small acts of physical contact. As Chad and Tiffany have been talking almost every single day through their Twitter messages they began to study together and hangout with some of their mutual friends to learn more about each other. Eventually when hanging out one on one Tiffany decides to share with Chad about her dads recent health struggles which only brings them closer as Chad gives her regular comforting hugs.
The Intensification Stage. With the intensification stage of relationships, the partners involved typically become labeled and find that each others opinions and ideas impact more than anyone elses, making them more dependent on one another. As Tiffanys dads health was on a roller coaster, Chad chose to spend any chance he could to be by her side. The way they used to spend time together was going to movies and dates but has now shifted to living everyday life together such as going to the grocery store or helping her clean the kitchen. Chad and Tiffany have now entered an official relationship and even had their first kiss.
The Intimacy Stage. The highest point of relationship escalation typically results in a form of commitment such as marriage, partners have reached a personalized level of communication and share an intense understanding of one another and typically have a solid foundation of trust and knowledge of each others lives. Through the months Chad and Tiffanys relationship becomes even stronger. Tiffanys dads health has stabilized which results in her being needed less in the house so Chad takes his opportunity and asks her to move in with him. Their relationship has become common knowledge to the people surrounding them, so when someone mentions Chad, Tiffany is not a far-off thought. They have become almost a single unit, there is not one without the other, and they only seem to fall more in love with every day that passes.
While there is room for variation within this model, most relationships tend to pass through a version of each stage, on some level, for some amount of time. As given by the examples used previously, we see that this model can even be applied to relationships based in new methods such as online settings. This demonstrates how this model stands through time and updated methods. This is important because online dating platforms are only growing in popularity, according to an article titled Online Dating System Design and Relational Decision Making online dating has become the second most common way for people to find romantic connections (Tong, Hancock, & Slatcher, 2016, p. 646). While methods of relationships are constantly evolving, such as adding in online communication, the way people form meaningful relationships is relatively constant. Knapps model gives a perspective to evaluating where one is in their relationship and gives them tools to identify if it is progressing, which can be beneficial to the health of personal relationships.
Word Count: 831 (This is over the requirement stated in the rubric. This is a thoughtfully written post that added important details)
References (Include our textbook and at least one scholarly outside source)
Beebe, S. A., Beebe, S. J. & Ivy D. K. (2016). Communication: Principles for a lifetime. Boston, MA: Pearson.
Tong, S. T., Hancock, J. T., & Slatcher, R. B. (2016). Online dating system design and relational decision making: Choice, algorithms, and control. Personal Relationships, 23(4), 645662. Retrieved from…
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