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Texas State San Marcos Traditional Women Role Since Stantons Time Essay

Question Description

I’m working on a english writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Submit Essay 2 Here

  • Due Sunday by 11:59pm
  • Points 0
  • Submitting a file upload
  • File Types doc, docx, and pdf


For this assignment, write an essay which answers the question, “Have traditional gender roles changed for women since pre-suffrage (Stanton’s time)? Why or why not?” Explore the roles of women that are present in our unit’s texts, and make an argument for how/if women’s roles have changed and if/how women’s rights have now been granted. Use our AT LEAST 3 of our course readings as the foundation for your evidence, but you may also bring in current events to bolster your discussion.

Some questions to consider and help you brainstorm include:

  • Are discussions of women’s roles and rights still relevant today?
  • In what ways are women still fighting for equality?
  • Are these efforts necessary?

Texts from our unit that you can use in your essay:

  • Stanton’s “The Declarations of Sentiments and Resolutions” in Module 4
  • The Women’s Suffrage video in Module 4
  • The Gender Pay Gap article in Module 5
  • Kindlon’s “The Descent of Men” in Module 5
  • Hidden Figures film in Module 5
  • Leadership Gap article in Module 6
  • Kamala Harris video in Module 6
  • Aidchie’s “We Should All Be Feminists” TedTalk in Module 6
  • Oprah Winfrey video in Module 6

Tips for Successful Essays:

  • 4-6 pages. ?
  • Incorporates at least 3 of our unit’s readings
  • MLA format. 12-point font, Times New Roman. ?
  • A creative title that hints at the subject matter. ?
  • Concrete evidence from at least three sources.
  • Indicate a clear focus in a well-written thesis statement and stay focused throughout the essay.
  • Organizing Principle. ?
  • Introduction, body, and conclusion. ?
  • Fully developed analysis of how the evidence supports each topic sentence and overall thesis statement.
  • Implements proper stylistic conventions to include: sentence variation, college-level vocabulary, target audience, complex sentence structure.
  • Use an effective structure that carefully guides the reader from one idea to the next, and be thoroughly edited so that sentences are readable and appropriate for an academic audience.
  • Write the paper as if addressing a scholarly audience.

Suggested Outline

Essay 2 Outline

Question: Have traditional gender roles for women changed since pre-suffrage?

  1. Intro:
    1. Hook:
    2. Background information:
    3. Thesis:
  2. Body 1:
    • Assertion:
    • Example:
    • Explanation:
    • Example:
    • Explanation:
    • Significance:
  3. Body 2:
    • Assertion:
    • Example:
    • Explanation:
    • Example:
    • Explanation:
    • Significance:
  4. Body 3:
    • Assertion:
    • Example:
    • Explanation:
    • Example:
    • Explanation:
    • Significance:
  5. Body 4:
    • Assertion:
    • Example:
    • Explanation:
    • Example:
    • Explanation:
    • Significance:
  6. Conclusion:
    • Significance of your argument: who cares? explain the significance of your argument. Are women’s rights worth discussing today? Why or why not?

Grading & Feedback:

The scoring rubric at the bottom of this page will be used to score your proposal as “Complete” or “Incomplete.” If you receive an “Incomplete,” you will have 3 days from the day I grade it to revise your work and resubmit it to this submission link. (E.g.: if your feedback from me is returned to you on 2/25, and you received an “X” or “Incomplete,” you have until 2/28 by 11:59pm to resubmit it. This means that you need to set your Canvas Notifications so that you will be notified when your assignment has been graded. To access your feedback, please follow the instructions on this page.

You may revise each assignment twice (for a total of 3 submissions) before your essay will not be counted toward your Grade Goal. Remember, for Grade Goals, for every project that is not passing or submitted by the end of the term, your overall course grade will lower one letter.


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Essay 2 Rubric: Women

Essay 2 Rubric: Women

Criteria Ratings

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis


Thesis is an opinionated statement which explicitly states whether the single story of women has changed or not.

Meeting Expectations

The thesis is not clearly laid out at the end of the introduction. The thesis may not be a clear, argumentative thesis that clearly and directly answers the prompt. It may be an announcement instead of a solid, clear, opinionated statement. It may be vague and more of an observation rather than an opinionated statement about whether the single story of women has changed or not.

Not Yet

The thesis cannot be identified or is missing. The paper lacks a clear focus because the thesis is unclear and there is no statement regarding the student’s specific opinion about whether the single story of women has changed or not.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar


1-2 Proofreading errors (misspelling, missing commas)

Meeting Expectations

1-2 different grammatical errors (comma splices, fragments, run ons, subject/verb agreement, singular/plural, apostrophes, etc.)

Not Yet

More than 2 different grammar errors-grammar impacts readability of the paper

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMLA


0 errors in MLA but perhaps citation formatting is inconsistent

Meeting Expectations

1-2 errors in MLA

Not Yet

3 or more errors in MLA

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization


The essay’s body paragraphs follow logically. Each paragraph discusses one specific reason to support the thesis and stays on topic and connects to the topic sentences. There are transitions to guide the reader from sentence to sentence and paragraph to paragraph.

Meeting Expectations

The essay’s body paragraphs follow logically; however, 1-2 paragraphs may have an unclear focus or topic sentence. At times, the student may try to discuss more than 1 unrelated idea in the same paragraph or the main idea may not be explicitly identified. There are some transitions to guide the reader from sentence to sentence and paragraph to paragraph, but there may be a couple places where there are missing transitions.

Not Yet

The essay does not move smoothly through the body paragraphs. Ideas may be repeated in different paragraphs, and paragraphs may not have clear topic sentences which do not identify the reason to support the thesis. Transitions are missing. It’s hard to see how ideas are logically connected.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of evidence


The student chooses specific quotes from the course readings that directly illustrate the main idea stated in the topic sentences for each body paragraph. The student demonstrates an understanding of how to locate effective evidence and incorporate it smoothly into the paragraph.

Meeting Expectations

Most of the chosen quotes accurately illustrate the main idea from the topic sentence, but there are 1-2 paragraphs that have evidence which is not clearly related to the rest of the paragraph or that may inaccurately illustrate the main idea in the topic sentence. 1-2 quotes may not match the main idea in the topic sentence.

Not Yet

The evidence used is hard to connect logically in the paragraphs because it is unclear how the quote illustrates the main idea from the topic sentence. There are other pieces of evidence that would have more accurately illustrated the main ideas throughout the paper.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStyle and Mechanics


No use of second person pronouns, quotes are all properly integrated, student uses formal, academic voice.

Meeting Expectations

Either quotes are not integrated OR student uses second person pronouns/informal tone.

Not Yet

Use of second person AND informal tone/second person pronouns.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis


Throughout the paper, the student thoroughly discusses: 1) how the quote illustrates the main idea from the topic sentence 2) how the quote and body paragraph then support the overall thesis statement of the student’s essay

Meeting Expectations

In the paper, the student consistently discusses 1 of the following (or adequately discusses both but not thoroughly): 1) how the quote illustrates the main idea from the topic sentence 2) how the quote and body paragraph then support the overall thesis statement of the student’s essay

Not Yet

In the paper, the student makes an attempt at analysis but only covers 1 or fewer of the following consistently (or varies discussion of 1 of the following throughout): 1) how the quote illustrates the main idea from the topic sentence 2) how the quote and body paragraph then support the overall thesis statement of the student’s essay

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