UCF Analysis of SMA of Athletes for Understanding Construction of Gender Discussions
Question Description
This assignment asks you to analyze and compare the social media accounts of two subjects according to either of the prompts below. You may select either #1 or #2 to fulfill the assignment and indicate on your essay which one you have selected. Put this information at the top along with your name and the word count (maximum 500). You must cite at least three social media posts as evidence from any social media account (Instagram, Twitter or Facebook) for each subject. Cite the posts by the following format: (Instagram, July 28, 2018).
- Compare the construction of gender in two professional athletes, a male and a female, through social media on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. You may also compare an athlete and an artistic performer. The assignment is about breaking stereotypes of gender. You are looking at how gender is created, expressed, fabricated or constructed by a male and female athlete through images and language on their public social media account (Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook). Please use specific evidence, analyze and explain the way your subjects construct or re-construct social ideas of gender. You should be wary extended descriptions without deeper analysis of how they perform gender roles. For instance, Cristiano Ronaldo portrays himself on Instagram traveling with his family and Brittany Lincicome posts pictures of herself deep-sea fishing. Many students select LeBron James or Serena Williams who have millions of followers on Instagram. Both are role models for thousands if not millions of people, and their Instagram accounts have an effect upon behaviors and practices that define and constitute the performance of gender. Social institutions often work to keep us in our gender place. You might ask whether LeBron and Serena maintain the status quo of heteronormativity. Is there any way that they disrupt or help to change the perception of gender roles? In each case, you should tell us what their pictures and posts tell us about how they perform their gender roles. For more theoretical background, see The Social Construction of Gender by Maria Power in Module #6. Upload your review in an approved format. (500 words).
- Identify an issue that concerns an athlete or a performing artist (actor, singer, dancer, musician) through their social media on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Do this for a male and female subject. You must select a male and a female. It doesnt matter if they are athletes or artists or if the issue is social, political or personal. It needn’t be the same issue for both. For instance, the NFL players taking a knee during the National Anthem to protest racial injustice provoked a firestorm on social media. A Fox News host suggested that LeBron James should shut up and dribble, but he said he will not “stick to sports” after his public comments n Uninterrupted, an Internet platform he co-founded. Kevin Durant appeared with him and both star players were sharply critical of President Donald Trump and the nation’s racial climate. As Eagles defensive lineman Chris Long pointed out, Fox News has interviewed actor Chuck Norris about climate control, musician Kid Rock about President Barack Obama, former basketball coach Bob Knight and actor Jon Voight about supporting Trump and musician Ted Nugent about the violence in Charlottesville. The actor Alyssa Milano is also an outspoken advocate on social media for the #MeToo movement. Other actors have been criticized for comments on climate change and sexual harassment. This past summer, there was another incident in which Trevor Bauer got into a Twitter spat with a reporter, and the reporter was harassed by Bauers fans in the aftermath. These are a few examples, but there are many more. The topic should stimulate debate on an issue such as race, equality or gender. (500 words)M7 Assignment Grading RubricM7 Assignment Grading RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization
25 ptsThe essay has a format that can be followed easily by doing the following: Using effective transitions that cause a connection between paragraphs. Professionally formatting paragraphs, which are ordered in a way that readers can follow. Includes an introduction, topic paragraphs and a conclusion. Must include name, word count and declare which option you have selected. 20 ptsThe essay has a format that can be followed easily by doing the following: Using basic transitions that cause a connection between paragraphs. Formatting paragraphs, which are ordered in a way that readers can follow. 15 ptsThe essay has a format that is difficult to follow due to the following: Inadequate transitions that cause the reader to lose connection between paragraphs. Inadequate formatting of paragraphs, causing the reader difficulty. 0 ptsThe essay has no organization. Insufficient word count. 25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics and Grammar20 ptsA command of conventions is evident throughout the essay with no errors. 15 ptsAdequate control of conventions throughout the essay with minimal errors. 10 ptsLoses control of conventions throughout the essay with numerous errors. 0 ptsLacks a command of basic conventions of syntax. 20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFocus and Control20 ptsDemonstrates a control of ideas that are concise and complete. 10 ptsAdequate control of ideas and is complete. 5 ptsInadequate control of ideas, includes some extraneous ideas, and is complete. 0 ptsLacks control of ideas, includes extraneous ideas, and is incomplete. 20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence25 ptsProvides effective evidence to support response. Must include three (3) citations in proper format for each subject (total of 6 for the paper). 20 ptsProvides adequate evidence to support response. 10 ptsProvides unrelated or minimal evidence to support response. 0 ptsProvides no evidence to support response. 25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePeer Reviews10 ptsWrites two reviews of assigned peers that thoughtfully evaluate peers’ response and builds upon the author’s work. 5 ptsWrites only one assigned peer review that thoughtfully evaluate peers’ response and builds upon the author’s work. Student replies are simply restatements or agreeing/disagreeing with posts without explanation. 0 ptsDoes not write peer reviews or peer reviews are brief and/or not constructive. Reviews random peers who were not assigned. 10 pts
Total Points: 100Previous
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