University of Utah I Love Lucy And After You Have Gone Situational Comedies Essay
Question Description
The reading for the writing assignment is found in Electronic Reserve through Marriott Library. It is the Wilson chapter on Commedia dell’ Arte. Here’s a pdf of the reading for you as well: Wilson Commedia.pdf download.
As you will read in the Wilson material, Commedia dell’Arte theatre used “stock” characters, The same basic stereotypical characters were put into a variety of situations, and comedy ensued. Much discussion has occurred concerning the use of these same stock characters in our sitcoms from the present. To prepare your response, watch these two short videos about Commedia dell’Arte as well: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
Here’s a clip of James Corden in the starring “Harlequin” role of One Man, Two Guvnors, a new play by Richard Bean, inspired by Carlo Goldoni’s 18th-century “commedia”-style classic “The Servant of Two Masters,” to give you a sense of Commedia-style slapstick updated to a play set in Swinging 60s England. (Links to an external site.) Please read this article: (Links to an external site.)
ASSIGNMENT: Your assignment is to choose two situational comedies, one old and one new (I leave it completely up to you as what you consider old or new, but I prefer you choose from the TV shows I list on the syllabus) and assign three stock characters from Commedia from each show (for a total of 6 characters in your response). It is crucial that you describe a specific example from the show you watch that demonstrates one or more traits found in the Commedia characters. Old sitcoms could include classics such as I Love Lucy, The Andy Griffith Show, Dick Van Dyke, even shows up into the 80s or 90s like Seinfeld or Frasier. Don’t use the same show(s) you’ve used in previous responses. Be sure to break up your ideas into manageable paragraphs rather than one LOOONG paragraph–make the response presentable and easy for me to read. Always (throughout the term assignments) remember to capitalize and italicize titles of TV shows, films or plays (eg: Mad Men, rather than mad men, Seinfeld rather than seinfeld). Some publications put quotations around the episode title (for example “The Contest” for a Seinfeld episode). You could also choose to put the show and episode titles in quotes (eg: “Seinfeld”). But be consistent (either italicize or put in quotes, but not both.
Go to under Commedia del Arte (Links to an external site.) for a list of these Italian stock characters, use the properly spelled term (eg: Harlequin), italicize it (foreign word) and capitalize it, and assign it to the TV character you’re describing (eg: Il Capitano rather than il capitano). Keep your examples short and specific. Do three characters from each show. Be sure to tell me the name of the show and the characters. Follow the example below:
Il Capitano: The Skipper is a blustering, though well-meaning leader. His bravado always broke when the pressure became high. He went into a cave, thinking it was empty, with his chest out, only to come screaming out with a cannibal behind him.
Harlequin: Gilligan is more exactly the Skipper’s servant rather than the Pantalone in the series, Mr. Howell, but he acts like a Harlequin all the same. Whenever he hands The Skipper his hat so he can get hit with it he has done a classic piece of “lazzi” (as you read about in the article)
Il Dottore: The Professor, it’s pretty obvious. His place of study is scarcely mentioned, yet he is as knowledgeable as anyone ever to live. Too bad he couldn’t get them off the island with all those smarts. The Professor is quite harmless, though, in this series, where, in Commedia, Gratiano (common name of this character), is often quite a rat.
I repeat here what I said on your syllabus about these bi-weekly responses: To earn 20 points your response must be on time and show evidence of critical thinking in your answer. The use of specific examples to support your ideas is required. I care about clearly written responses–don’t just text or be sloppy in your response writing. Basic punctuation and complete sentences are essential, and clearly written, well-thought out responses will help you get full points. You can be concise and to the point, but don’t be incomplete or vague–you must fully answer all the questions in the assignment for full points. Also, avoid passive voice or wordiness–clear, active voice and straightforward wording is optimal. Have fun and good luck, J
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