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USF Level of Education Impacts Food Preservation During Cooking Discussion

Question Description

These are 2 discussion boards and each of them require 2 responses to my peers. The responses to peers can just be an opinion on their posts and can only be 2-3 paragraphs. I will post my peer posts to respond to once the discussions are done.

Discussion post 1:

Designing Open-Ended Questions for Discussion Board 9

For Discussion Board 9, you will choose one person to interview about food provisioning and how they might work to minimize food waste. The role that this person assumes in the household will shape the design of your open-ended questions. If you interview the person who shops, you will design questions about shopping practices. If you interview the cook, you will ask questions about food preparation. If you ask someone who only consumes food, then you will need to ask questions about what’s on their plate. You do not need to ask direct questions about food waste because if it is important, this topic will come up or you can gently probe for this topic to come up. Note how I emphasize learning about the practices of what people actually do rather than what they think that they do. What we think is often very different than what actually happens. You want to learn about what actually happens. Take this example from Hochschild’s research on the division of labor in the household (The Second Shift, 1989):

Example: I=Can you tell me about how work is arranged in your household?

R=We divide work equally. He cleans the downstairs and I clean the upstairs.

I=What rooms are downstairs?

R=His study and the garage.

I=What rooms are upstairs?

R=The kitchen, study, bedrooms, bathrooms, living room, den…

When designing good questions, it is always beneficial to have our trusty colleagues to help and provide feedback. Make sure that your last set of questions (in addition to the 3 open-ended questions) asks the respondent to share important demographic information about themselves. You will use phrases like, can you tell me what ethnicity you identify with? Or, Can you tell me what gender you identify with?

Please respond to the following questions in your Discussion Board Post 9.

  1. State who you plan to interview and their relationship (shopper, cook, etc.) to food in your/their household. How will who you choose shape your research topic?
  2. Create a statement about what you will say to the person who you plan to interview about your research topic prior to the interview. Do not put the topic of food waste in your statement. You want a general statement about their role as a food provider. Remember to tell them that their participation is voluntary. Their identity will not be revealed and what they share is confidential.
  3. Provide 3 open-ended interview questions. Think hard here because food waste is something that we should not do. Write careful questions so that you don’t judge people. You want to focus on their role and its relationship to food and not just on food waste. If food waste is important, your open ended questions will enable a person to talk about this.
  4. Make sure you ask demographic information at the end of your interview. You will need to know race, ethnicity, gender, age, social class (based on education, job and these kinds of indicators) and other information that you think is helpful. There are several ways to ask for demographic information so it is important that you are sensitive.

Discussion post 2:

Community Inclusion Discussion Board—Step 2

The topic for this is: Autistic Youth Communities (under 18)

This project will evolve over the course of several steps. For step 2 you’re asked to evaluate local programs and resources for a particular disabled community. I’ve grouped you all based off of your responses in the First Day Attendance Discussion Board post, which served as Step 1 of the assignment.

Directions: Each group member will research local resources and programs related to their assigned community (campus-based resources, resources within the Tampa Bay area, or both). Once the research is complete, each person will write a 1- 2 paragraph discussion board post of their findings. You should also offer substantive comments on at least two group members’ posts.

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