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ENGL 1102 Idaho State University Commercial Analysis Forum

Question Description

Forum: Commercial Analysis


There are two parts to this. Both parts must be posted by their respective deadlines; otherwise, your forum contribution will not earn a grade. Use the grading rubric for discussion forums to help you develop your forum posts.

Part 1:

Due date–10:00 p.m., Friday, March 19 (Word count: 250, minimum)

View the commercial below. Then, answer the following questions:

  1. What do most people think when they see a rodent running loose in their home? Why?
  2. In this commercial, however, many people may feel sympathetic to the mouse. Why?
  3. What is the primary appeal made by the ad, in terms of Fowles’ categories? What, if any, are the secondary appeals?
  4. What is the chief attention-getting technique in this commercial?
  5. How does the commercial make use of such tools as humor, surprise, or human interest to achieve its goals?
  6. What is the relationship between the visuals and the audio track (pay close attention to the events and the lyrics)? How do audio and video work together to achieve the sponsor’s purpose?
  7. How does the commercial’s visual techniques work to convey the message? Consider camera movement; style and pace of editing (juxtaposition of individual shots); and visual composition (the framing of the mouse and/or objects within the shot).
  8. How do the words at the end of the commercial work to communicate the commercial’s message?


    Grading Rubric for Discussion Forums

    Remember: To earn any grade, all posts (your original post AND two replies) must be made by their deadlines; late work—including posts—will not be graded.

    Criteria Excellent
    (A: 90%-100%)
    Proficient(B: 80%-89%) Marginal(70%-79%) Below Expectations(D/F: 0% to 69%)
    Relevance of Post Original discussion post relates to discussion topic, cites additional references related to topic (as needed), and meets 250 minimum word requirement. It prompts further discussion of the topic. Original discussion post relates to discussion content, but may be too general; more citations/support may be necessary. The post meets at least 85% of 250-word required length (212 words). It still prompts further discussion into the topic. Original discussion post occasional goes off-topic. More development is needed. The post meets at least 75% of 250-word required length (189 words). It offers little insight into the topic and prompts little discussion of topic. Original discussion post does not relate to the discussion. It makes short or irrelevant marks. It meets less than 75% (188 and below) of 250-word length requirement.
    Expression of Post Original discussion post expresses opinions and ideas in a clear, concise manner with obvious connection to the topic. Opinions and ideas are stated clearly in the original discussion post, with occasional lack of connection to topic. Original discussion post presents unclear connection to topic evidenced in minimal expression of ideas or opinions. Original discussion post does not express opinions or ideas clearly; it presents no connection to the topic.

    Delivery of Post
    Posts consistently use correct grammar, with rare misspellings. Posts contain few grammatical or spelling errors. Posts contain several grammatical and spelling errors. Posts contain poor spelling and grammar; posts appear “hasty.”
    Replies (A minimum of two) Replies address one point you like/agree with, and one point you dislike/disagree with, and why. Each reply meets the 75-word minimum length. Replies maintain classroom decorum. While replies address one point you like/agree with and one you dislike/disagree with, some additional details/development are needed. Each reply meets at least 84% of the 75-word minimum length (63 words). Replies maintain classroom decorum. Replies might address one point you like/agree with—or—one point you don’t like/disagree with. More development is needed. Each post meets at least 74% of the 75-word requirement (56 words). Replies maintain classroom decorum. Replies don’t address specific points, may simply express “like” or “dislike” with no reasoning (e.g. “I like your post! You answered the questions well!”), and each post falls below the 56-word requirement. Replies do not adhere to the decorum policy.
    Contribution to Learning Community Discussion board activity demonstrates awareness of needs of community; frequently attempts to motivate the group discussion; presents creative approaches to topic. Discussion board activity frequently attempts to direct the discussion and to present relevant viewpoints for consideration by group; interacts freely. Occasionally makes meaningful reflections on discussion group’s efforts and demonstrates marginal effort to become involved with discussion. Does not make an effort to participate in the learning community as it develops; discussion board activity reflects indifferent attitude.

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