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Rasmussen College Critical Factors in Psychosis Treatment Discussion

Question Description

For this module, you must cite three non-DSM references that are peer-reviewed research articles. Please note that you were only assigned two articles. Therefore, please utilize Google Scholar to retrieve one additional article relevant to the questions asked below, and cite it appropriately win your answer. This allows you to dig slightly deeper on a subtopic of your choosing and will broaden the group discussion a bit. Note: You may also cite the Murray video or the DSM-5 in your answer, but those will not count towards the three references.


2. The psychotic disorders were addressed in this module, in both readings (one of your own choosing) and the Murray video. Answer the following questions in your discussion board post:


a. From a social work perspective, what are the most important predictors of the development of a psychotic disorder?


b. Outcome studies show an interesting paradox when assessing prognosis in schizophrenia. There are many hypotheses and few rock-solid answers. What can be learned from the literature you reviewed? What hypotheses do you find most compelling?


c. One of your readings discussed the role of services in helping clients diagnosed with severe mental illness (including schizophrenia). from a social work perspective. The elements of helping that clients found most useful are hardly mind-blowing, but are also sometimes missing in routine mental health treatment. At this point in the class, what do you see as the main obstacles to providing the kind of helping that clients desire? Address both the micro (1-to-1) and macro (systemic) levels in your answer.


Please note that the discussion board is now graded. Please take any feedback you received on Module 4 to heart, especially any suggestions given by your Online Mentor regarding full engagement with the material presented, proofreading, following the instructions, and otherwise.


Please also ensure that you are fully conversant with the instructions for discussion board posts specific to this course before starting this assignment.


Please note that for this and each discussion board assignment in this course, your individual post is due by the Thursday midnight before the Sunday midnight deadline (if you post on Friday or Saturday you receive a -10% penalty, and if you post on Sunday you receive a -25% penalty; posting after the Sunday midnight deadline results in a maximum possible score of 60% for the assignment). You must make at least one comment on a fellow group member’s post by no later than Saturday midnight. Commenting only on the Sunday, or failing to comment at all before the Sunday midnight deadline will result in 0 points for commenting (i.e. a penalty of -1).


  • Compose your response in Microsoft Word, formatted per APA style, and save it to your computer. Copy and paste your response into the discussion board forum for this assignment. Attach the Word document to your post before you save it to the forum in Canvas.
  • Your post, not counting the reference section, needs to be a minimum of one and a half pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font, with one inch margins all round, and no additional before or after paragraph spacing (requires changing the default settings in Word). Points will be deducted if you do not write enough. You may add a cover page to the Word document that you attach to your post, but do not put the cover page onto your post in the forum.
  • Copying from another student’s post, even their reference section, counts as plagiarism, as does copying from books, articles, or websites without the proper punctuation and citation to indicate that it is a direct quote from a specific source. Avoid using direct quotes, but if you do use a direct quote, it must be no longer than one and a half lines, and a maximum of one direct quote per post is permitted. Direct quotes are discouraged. Use your own words and cite the source of your information properly.

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