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Temple University Honorable and Fair in Ones Dealings and Actions Discussion

Question Description

Just: Honorable and fair in one’s dealings and actions

In this paper, you will discuss how God is not just in these three stories.

1. The Tower of Babel

2. The Command of Sacrifice Isaac

3. Noah and the Flood

you will discuss how in each story he is not just so to start I believe in The story of The Tower of Babel is the most just because this is when people migrated to the land of Shinar and they all spoke the same language. They started to believe and be too proud of what they began to succeed in and believed themselves to be invincible. They wanted to build a tall tower that would reach the heavens. God saw that what they were doing was them trying to think they are better than everything and so what God did was made them speak different languages so that they wouldn’t understand each other. After that, it became difficult for them to build the tower. Which I feel wasn’t too bad of a punishment.

But in the Story of Noah and the Flood, God simply swept away everything with a flood because he felt there was too much violence so he decided to destroy them and the earth. And so he only chose Noah’s family to grab two of each animal (male and female) to enter the ark so that the animals can multiply. Then he blessed them and promised that there will be no flood like that anymore on the earth. Which I feel was an unjust punishment for the humankind.

1 Crystallize your position in a thesis, that is, write a a thesis that captures your overall opinion and then show how textual evidence illustrates that opinion. Make one overall judgment about God, then let two or three pieces of evidence show how the text bears out different aspects of that judgment

2 Make sure to moderate your tone. You are writing for an audience some of whom see Genesis as a sacred text and will not pay attention to your argument if your judgments are too inflammatory. I’ve had students in this kind of essay call God “a murderous rampaging maniac.” Instead use words like God is “cruel” and

Here is some additional information that the professor provided:

Like any formal paper in the humanities, your paper should have an introduction that includes a thesis, a body whose paragraphs are arranged in a logical order and whose paragraphs follow the same general structure of claim, evidence, and bridge that you should be following in your one paragraph Sappho poem or Gilgamesh/Plato quote analysis, and a conclusion.

I hope to do an exercise on introductions and conclusions this week as a preparatory writing for this formal paper

You may not use any outside sources in your essay to analyze the primary text(s) and the evidence for any claims you make must be quotes from the text(s) and your explanation of how those quotes bear out your claims.

Do not read or use any sources such as Spark notes or Shmoop.

Instead use the primary text itself, material from your annotationsthe Reading/Class activities, and whatever feedback I and other students have given you to write your paper

Do not make claims that cannot be supported by evidence from the primary text(s). If you do not provide such evidence as well as analysis of that evidence your paper is unlikely to get a passing grade.

If you do not follow these directions, I will ask you to rewrite the paper.

You can use an outside source to define a term (If I defined the term in the Reading/Class Activities, and you are using a different definition, you need to explain why you are using a different definition) or you can use an outside source if it is something that is already part of your reading experience and you are connecting the primary text to it, as in my connection to Deborah Tannen in my Gilgamesh/Sappho essay below

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