University of California Los Angeles Latin American Studies Essay
Question Description
Hi there,
Here are the instructions & guidelines to this essay. Please read & answer questions very throughly, this assignment determines my grade in the class. Entire essay double spaced and need to be minimum 4 pages (preferably 5-6 pages) & need to include a bibliography. I will include many reading, my past 2 midterm essays that can possibly help, many important readings, & important PowerPoints to help you derive the answers.
Answer each question thoroughly. Be careful to define all key terms (e.g. intersectionalities). You only need to define a key term once unless you feel it is important to repeat. As it is a take-home exam, please identify the authors of all the articles you discuss, the films or film clips you use, the power point title or week, the panel discussion, or lecture date. This information must be clearly cited in the text (e.g., Huber, p. 274; Segura Power Point, Chicanx/Latinx Education, Week 6) and a bibliography of the sources you used at the end of the question or at the end of the entire essay. All essays must be typed, double-spaced, with each question numbered to confirm which question you are answering.
This is due March 16, 2021 by 11:59 pm. (36 points, maximum)
REQUIRED QUESTION: (20 points, maximum)
1. This quarter has provided abundant information on Chicanx and Mexican women in the U.S. and in the borderlands. Discuss two important problem areas or issues regarding Chicanx and/or Mexican immigrant women about which you feel you learned most. First, identify the two problems or issue areas, and then indicate what you felt you knew about them before the class (i.e., your pre-conceived notions). Then, discuss how course readings, films, lectures and/or discussions deepened your awareness of (a) why those problem areas or issues exist; (b) what types of social, political, and cultural mechanisms keep them in place; and (c) what types of resistance (if any) exist to change these problem areas. The extent to which you can discuss at least two different sociological theories (e.g., borderlands theory, intersectionalities, critical race theory, class reproduction theory, etc.) regarding the persistence of these issues or problem areas and resistance will help determine the grade you receive on this essay.
ANSWER ONE OF THE FOLLOWING TWO QUESTIONS: (Please indicate which question you are answering, #2 or #3) (16 points each, maximum)
2. Discuss two different forms of racial microaggressions Tara Yosso & her colleagues found on college campuses and Glenda Marisol Flores and Gladys García-López found in the workplace. Then, using the lens of critical race theory (or intersectionalities if you prefer), discuss how students and workers navigate their respective organizations climate and microaggressions. As you write this essay, please share one or two examples of microaggressions you have experienced or seen in one or both sites (i.e., the university or a workplace).
3. Using an intersectionalities perspective OR a borderlands perspective, reflect on, and analyze key factors in your life that have affected how you are responding to the material in Sociology 155W. In this reflexive exercise, analyze how your life experiences in your family, with peers, in schools, and at work (if you have had a job) sometimes resonate and other times differ from those of the lives of participants in the studies by Lorena García, Yosso et al, Mariana García Martinez, and 1 article of your choice that has to do with employment.
Bibliography :
1.include a bibliography.
2.You need to indicate which of the two questions you are answering in the second part, so you should answer the questions as two separate answers, not one single answer.
3.You should still use consistent formatting throughout, recommended to use APA formatting and google scholar to help yourself format properly .
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